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Why you should source your own fabrics?


It may sound obvious, but you should source your own fabric because this is your brand/label.

Who else is best placed to source fabric other than you?

Here at CFS we do not source fabric for our customers because we believe that this is integral for a brand to do, not to mention, there are hundreds & thousands of different fabrics feels and weights and just too much choice available for us or we believe anyone else to choose from to do your brand justice.


Here are a few examples of fabrics that are on offer, we each coming in different  weights, weaves and feel:






Viscose and so on, and so forth.


It may see like a daunting task to source the right fabric, but it needn't be. Once you've determined whether the fabrics you need is non-stretchy or stretchy you are almost halfway there. From our perspective knowing whether a fabric is stretchy or non-stretchy allows us to know how to draft the patterns you need for your design.


You do not have to have sourced your fabric before we start, as long as we have a reference that is similar to what you require, we can start making your patterns. Our job at CFS is to translate your designs into patterns then in fabric. We do not need to know what colours you would like to use, what style buttons or zips you want to use. It is more crucial for us to know what size your buttons and zips are.

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